What makes us happy? Reflections on Long-Term Happiness
I would like to be happy. What makes us happy and what does the expression of “being happy” actually mean? And if there was a recipe for long-term happiness, what would it be?
I would like to be happy. What makes us happy and what does the expression of “being happy” actually mean? And if there was a recipe for long-term happiness, what would it be?
In order to find out who I want to be in life, it is important that I first stop and ask myself the following questions. Who am I? Does it make sense to live? Only then I can start looking for the answer to the question.
Read More »Who I Want to Be? A Brief Reflection on Life.Where do I belong? Each of us is part of a group. This group shapes our behavior, character, and has a great impact on where we are going. Are we aware of that? And to what group would we actually include ourselves?
Read More »Where Do I Belong? 3 Groups That Characterize Us.Nobody is perfect, but I am nobody. Did you also want to be perfect? Perfection was the goal of my journey. I wanted to be the best. And how did it end up with me in the end?
Read More »Nobody Is Perfect, So Why Did I Want to Be?Why did I decide to write personal blog? Everyone has its own unique life story. I would like to share few interesting and important events from my life.
Read More »Introduction to My Blog